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Text File | 1992-12-31 | 3.9 KB | 229 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- /*
- File: DTEditWindow.c
- Written by: Mark Gross
- Copyright: © 1992 by Applied Technical Software, all rights reserved.
- Use at your own risk.
- */
- // This is the class definition of DTEditWind
- #include "DTEditDoc.h"
- #include "DTEditWind.h"
- #include "DApplication.h"
- #include <DinkUtils.h>
- DTEditWind::DTEditWind(void)
- {
- //stub
- }
- DTEditWind::~DTEditWind(void)
- {
- //stub
- }
- Boolean DTEditWind::Init(DDocument *doc, Boolean hasColorWindows)
- {
- Boolean inheritedSuccess;
- Rect vRect;
- inheritedSuccess = inherited::Init(doc, hasColorWindows);
- fDocText = ((DTEditDoc*)doc)->fText;
- fNextHandler = doc;
- SetPort(fWindowPtr);
- ( *fDocText)->inPort = fWindowPtr;
- ( *fDocText)->txSize = 9;
- ( *fDocText)->txFont = monaco;
- fVMax = (*fDocText)->nLines * (*fDocText)->lineHeight;
- fVMin = 0;
- fHMax = ( (*fDocText)->destRect.right - (*fDocText)->destRect.left );
- fHMin = 0;
- return (inheritedSuccess);
- }// end of init function
- void DTEditWind::SynchScrollBars(void)
- {
- Rect visible, dest;
- visible = (*fDocText)->viewRect;
- dest = (*fDocText)->destRect;
- fVMax = (*fDocText)->nLines * (*fDocText)->lineHeight;
- fVMin = 0;
- fVOffSet = visible.top - dest.top;
- fHOffSet = visible.left - dest.left;
- inherited::SynchScrollBars();
- }// end of SynchScrollBars member function
- void DTEditWind::HandleKeyDown(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- TEKey(LoWrd(theEvent->message), fDocText);
- fDoc->fNeedToSave = TRUE;
- SynchScrollBars();
- } // end of HandleKeyDown member function
- void DTEditWind::HandleActivateEvt(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- Boolean activating;
- inherited:: HandleActivateEvt(theEvent);
- activating = (theEvent->modifiers & activeFlag);
- if(activating)
- {
- TEActivate( fDocText );
- }
- else
- {
- TEDeactivate( fDocText );
- }
- inherited:: HandleActivateEvt(theEvent);
- }// end of HandleActivateEvt member function
- void DTEditWind::HandleOSEvent(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- if(gApplication->fInBackground)
- {
- TEDeactivate( fDocText );
- }
- else
- {
- TEActivate( fDocText );
- }
- inherited::HandleOSEvent(theEvent);
- }// end of HandleActivateEvt member function
- void DTEditWind::HandleNullEvent(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- Rect r;
- Point whereIsMouse;
- GrafPtr oldPort;
- CursHandle IBeam;
- if (!gApplication->fInBackground)
- {
- GetPort(&oldPort);
- SetPort(fWindowPtr);
- GetMouse(&whereIsMouse);
- GetContentRect(&r);
- if( PtInRect(whereIsMouse, &r) )
- {
- IBeam = GetCursor(iBeamCursor);
- if(IBeam != NULL)
- SetCursor(*IBeam);
- }
- else
- InitCursor();
- SetPort(oldPort);
- TEIdle( fDocText );
- }// end if in forground
- }
- void DTEditWind::DoContent(EventRecord* theEvent)
- {
- Rect contents;
- Boolean shiftOn;
- Point newPoint;
- shiftOn = ( (theEvent->modifiers & shiftKey) != 0);
- FocusOnWindow();
- GlobalToLocal(&theEvent->where);
- GetContentRect(&contents);
- if(PtInRect(theEvent->where, &contents))
- {
- TEClick(theEvent->where, shiftOn, fDocText);
- }// end if in content rect
- else
- ScrollClick(theEvent);
- }// end of DoContent function
- void DTEditWind::Draw(Rect *r)
- {
- if( fDocText)
- {
- EraseRect(r);
- TEUpdate(r, fDocText);
- }
- }// end of Draw member function
- // the grow methods only need to update the viewRect for the TEHandle
- void DTEditWind::DoGrow(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- Rect r;
- inherited::DoGrow(theEvent);
- GetContentRect(&r);
- (**fDocText).viewRect = r;
- }// end of DoGrow override
- void DTEditWind ::DoZoom(short partCode)
- {
- Rect r;
- inherited::DoZoom(partCode);
- GetContentRect(&r);
- (**fDocText).viewRect = r;
- }// end of DoZoom member function
- void DTEditWind::ScrollContents(short dh, short dv)
- {
- TEScroll(dh, dv, fDocText );
- fVOffSet = (*fDocText)->viewRect.top - (*fDocText)->destRect.top;
- fHOffSet = (*fDocText)->viewRect.left - (*fDocText)->destRect.left;
- }// end of ScrollContents function
- void DTEditWind::FocusOnContent(void)
- {
- Rect r;
- SetPort(fWindowPtr);
- GetContentRect(&r);
- ClipRect(&r);
- }// end of FocusOnContent member